The following describes the Anti-Spam Policy for our website.

What Is Spam?

Spam is unsolicited email, also known as junk mail (received via email), or UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email). Virtually all of us have opened the inbox of an email account and found emails from an unknown sender. By sending email only to those who have requested to receive it, we at are following accepted permission-based email guidelines.

What About The Laws Against Spam?

They exist. However, as with any body of laws, any individual State spam statutes can and will vary. The spam laws of each State can not only vary, but also have different definitions of unsolicited commercial email. Additionally, there may be various federal agencies keeping track of spam, including the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). At the Federal level, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 promulgates some attempt at a coherent and unified approach to unsolicited commercial email. Ultimately, it would be difficult to enforce spam law violations on any consistent or pervasive basis, so your own vigilance is your own best first line of defense. Beyond that, we protect you by ensuring that you are 100% in control of whether or not you ever hear from by email initially or in the future, as detailed in our “No Tolerance” policy below.

Our No Tolerance Anti-Spam Policy

WE HAVE A NO TOLERANCE SPAM POLICY. We do not email unless someone has filled out an “opt in” form or “webform” expressing an interest in our information or products and/or services, or otherwise directly and proactively requesting it. News of the features and benefits of Membership is spread through advertising, joint venture marketing, and word of mouth, so we are only building relationship with folks who wish to learn more about what we have to offer and willingly subscribe to our content and contact through email. You are always completely in control of whether you receive email communication from, and can terminate at any time.

NOTE – Every auto-generated email contains a mandatory unsubscribe link that cannot be removed. Therefore, each communication generated by carries with it the option to “unsubscribe” and never receive another email communication from

ÄNDERUNGSHINWEIS: Wie alle unsere Seiten mit administrativen und rechtlichen Hinweisen kann und wird sich der Inhalt dieser Seite im Laufe der Zeit ändern. Dementsprechend könnte diese Seite bei Ihrem nächsten Besuch anders aussehen. Diese Änderungen sind notwendig und werden von durchgeführt, um Sie und unsere Website zu schützen. Wenn diese Seite für Sie wichtig ist, sollten Sie sie häufig besuchen, da Sie weder vor noch nach Inkrafttreten der Änderungen über die geänderten Inhalte informiert werden.

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