Welcome to Phonesrefurb.com, the ultimate destination for refurbished electronic gadgets such as mobile phones, laptops, smartwatches, and tablets. Our company, PHONESREFURB LTD, was first established in 2022 in the UK, and since expanded into more regions, positioning Phonesrefurb as a global company with a commitment to offering top-quality products at affordable prices.

We sell refurbished and used mobile phones, laptops, headphones, and other gadgets. All our products undergo thorough testing to ensure proper functionality and zero damage. When you shop at Phonesrefurb.com, you can rest assured that you’re buying a reliable item.

We provide a 1-year warranty on most of our products, giving you peace of mind with your purchase. We source our products from reputable independent suppliers worldwide to offer you the best selection at competitive prices. Our customer service team is always available to address any queries or concerns you may have.

We offer worldwide shipping and delivery services to ensure prompt and efficient delivery of your order. Additionally, we provide a 30-day money-back guarantee on our products.

Visit our website to explore our vast range of electronic gadgets and accessories. Feel free to contact us via email at info@phonesrefurb.com for any inquiries or assistance. Thank you for choosing Phonesrefurb.com!

Global Offices:

Registered Company Name: PHONESREFURB LTD
Registered Company Address: 71-75 Shelton St, London, WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom
Registered Company Number: 14348197

Registered Company Name: PHONESREFURB F-LLC
Registered Company Address: M.E.A – AL Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ, RAK, U.A.E
Registered Company Number: 5029230

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